KEDRON had the Honor to Create a 60 Second Global Commercial Spot from Inception to Final Delivery for the Launch of the 2024 Phantom Putters created by Scotty Cameron. The Phantom Lineup is Comprised of 9 Putters, Each having a Unique Design and Functionality of its own. We Meticulously Studied the Brilliant Artisty of each Putter, Concentrating on Lighting, Composition and Design to Artistically tell the Story of Alignment.
9 Phantom Putters // 7 Shots per Putter // 63 Individual Deliverables // Complete Touch Up + Compositing // VFX + HUD // 1 x 60 sec 4K Broadcast Spot // Custom Score
Due to the Large number of Deliverables our Vision was built on Completely Programmable, Robotic Cinematography at the Highest Level using Top of the Line Video and Still Cameras and Seamless CGI. To Maintain Brand Integrity We Developed a Streamlined Workflow Guaranteeing Excellent Results in Pre Production to Providing Consistency and Confidence Throughout Post Production.
We Set out to Create the Highest Resolution Images Possible. We paired up The Phase One Still Camera with the ARRI LF Digital Camera. Our Goal was to Capture as much content In-Camera as Possible, only having to rely on CG where Absolutely Necessary. This Macro Level, In-Camera, Approach Set the Bar for a Timeless and Pristine Body of Work.
Alignment is Extremely Important to Putting in General, but Even More to the Over Arching Concept and Engineering of the Phantom Putter Line. Our Initial Design Phases were Built off of this Concept as a Main Feature of the Phantom Putters.
We worked in a Deep, Charcoal Gray setting using Accents of Color, Minimal Shapes and Custom Animated Typography to Bring to Life Features of each Putter. The first 3 Frames below set the Stage for the Design Language. Setting a Solid Foundation through Design is Key to the Success of any Project. Before things go into Motion, Our Team makes sure that the Road Map of Design is very Clear and Established– and of course is Fresh and In-Line with the Product.
We Brought to Life each Title by Accenting Angles and Shapes based on the specific words that were chosen to tell the story. After Creating Very Customized Titles, they were then Integrated into Live Action Clips. Several Motion Tests took place to get the Perfect Balance of Product and Feature Call Outs.
We Executed our Vision using the Top Technology in the Field: The Phase One camera for photography and ARRI LF for live action with a SISU robotic arm and LED Volume Wall for repeatable. We didn’t Cut any Corners in the process and although it was Very Challenging to have Everything Work Seamlessly Together, in the end, It was a Fantastic Marriage.
PHASE ONE // 4K UHD //.25 Film Grain added // Compressed .h264
It was not a Small Feat to Capture Stop Motion with the Phase One Camera. The File Sizes are Huge, each Frame having the Capability to Wrap a Bus or Billboard.
In Summation, We utilized a Combination of Various Techniques that Simultaneously Achieved both Epic Stills and Motion Content. We Believe it will Lead to a Highly Successful and Distinguished Campaign. The many Assets that we Created Large Scale Format Lend to a Future Proof Library Archive consisting of: Catalogue, Motion, Broadcast, Print, Social, Website, etc. By Leaning Heavily on Repeatability and Large Format Capture we Accomplished our Goal– Creating Tact Sharp Images with the Phase One camera, Coupled with Highly Creative Macro Moments using the ARRI LF. There are Infinite Possibilities with this Approach and We Are Excited to keep on Pioneering Uncharted Territory.