A Complete Virtual Production // 2 unique spots filmed at a single LED Volume Virtual Production Studio

Concept I // Dessert
No Clutch. No Gears. Just Go.

We immersed ourselves in the world of Unreal Engine, working up concepts and designs that would create a sense of time and place.

The process was exciting: from storyboarding, 3D builds, sound design– all the way to final color grade, it was truly a collaboration of excellence.

The Zero motorcycle is a forerunner in the world of electric bikes. So they are keen to pushing the boundaries when it comes to creating cutting edge content.

The LED Volume Virtual Production Studio has created an opportunity for clients and creatives to maximize resources and effectively produce content that is affordable with the highest tier of production value. It has opened up the door for endless possibilities and we are excited to keep pushing to new heights creatively, while helping educate and better serve our clientele.

Concept II // Digital

Driven by Innovation.
Charged by Passion.


Unlike traditional green screen the LED Volume Virtual Production Studio lended to making real time decisions on set, which led to some really exciting content to later edit with.

The sound was a crucial player for this piece. We worked back and forth from picture to sound up to the finish line.

Our team dreamed up a vibrant world of graphics consisting of large blocks of color and moving shapes, to create an exciting world that complimented the Zero motorcycle.